Extraordinary Coins

This collection includes "special" coins, including the following coin categories:
Essais or trials (E)
Proofs of circulating coins (F)
Piedforts (P)
Special coin-varients (S)
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Special Coins Item Sets

Lebanon Piedfort Coins
A piedfort or piefort French: pied-fort or piéfort is an unusually thick coin, often exactly twice the normal weight and thickness of other coins of the same diameter and pattern. Piedforts are not normally circulated, and are only struck for presentation purposes by mint officials (such as patterns), or for collectors, dignitaries, and other VIPs. Piedfort is commonly misspelled as "piefort". Source: Wikipedia (check the source property). Up till 2020 only a single issue in Lebanon has been minted as a piedfort, this is the 1980 winter Olympic games at lake Placid.